Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm working on a new novel as yet unnamed. Decided to use the main character from the first novel and reintroduce him to a scene set about 6 years later. Also am adding some mystery along with some Navy pilot lingo and, (surprised?) some submarine lore as well. Recruited an old Navy submariner friend for the latter. Expect there will be another 25-30 chapters before THE END.

I'm finding writing and editing what I've written is a satisfying "time sink" too often interrupted by things I must do (like bills, etc.), or "honey do's". Discussing the craft with other authors reveals I'm not alone. It's frustrating when many say they can fit in 5 to 20 minutes of productive writing whenever they see a gap in their schedules. I need to warm up for a period of 10-30 minutes or so to really be productive. The exception is when I have a burning issue or problem solution that's dying to jump from my fingertips and I'm unable to do an immediate dump. Fortunately these don't come in the middle of the night.

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