Sunday, December 27, 2009

A New Direction

Looking ahead to 2010 I've chosen to pursue a new direction in my attempts to get my novel "In Dangerous Waters" published. My efforts to capture an agent and publisher have proven unsuccessful. Fifty queries/submissions & 50 rejections over the past 2+ years. Time's awastin' it seems. Time to try another route.

I've tentatively decided to pursue self-publishing and have begun to investigate publishers providing that service. Have found four so far that might meet my needs. Intend to pursue those, and others that may come to my attending, in early 2010. I'd like to be able to offer the novel to all interested parties before July 1 if possible. It's a good story, well written I believe and so assessed by a distinguished writers critique group. My editor, Elisabeth Tuck, has turned an inherently sound story into one readers will enjoy - perhaps even a "page turner" (so sayeth this perennial optimist.)

I welcome input from any reader who has taken this route to publishing - whether positive or negative. I'm exploring and welcome your perceptions and experiences.

May 2010 prove to be a great year for you and yours.