Sunday, May 2, 2010

More on Self-Publishing

On Saturday May 1, 2010 I attended an excellent one-day seminar in San Francisco titled "Self Publishing Bootcamp" conducted by Lisa Alpine and Carla King. My frustration from the so-far fruitless search for an agent for my novel "In Dangerous Waters" dictated I look for some alternative. Somehow the book will be published, probably on a small scale (unless lightning strikes) but that's enough. Self-publishing was a realm I hadn't explored to any extent before.

Great credit goes to the two women who conducted the workshop. I came away overwhelmed. Still trying to sort through the myriad alternative techniques, approaches, and avenues to pursue. I particularly like the tips offered - what to look for and what to avoid. Some appeared obvious, but many not so.

Their offering of particular value - yet to be explored in detail - are a wide range of resources. I plan to spend significant time filtering the maze to identify which pertain to my publishing objective and which do note. A game plan will have to evolve, but at this point, while nearly overwhelmed with the data presented, I'm beginning to research the resources provided by the class. I had no idea of the range of related information and support available. First time I can honestly say I've been overwhelmed in MANY years.

If you have the opportunity to participate in a future workshop I recommend you do so. Presenters are superior, knowledgeable, and truly helpful. The course could easily be expanded for another day, perhaps more considering the material to be offered and mastered.